The Retail Risk Innovation in Risk Management Award


Vix Vizion

From Healthcare to Leisure, Sports and Retail, one face recognition system stands out above all others…
Vix Vizion’s face recognition technology (“FRT”) is one of the most accurate at identifying persons of interest on the planet.
Vix’s best in class algorithms, operating under the most difficult real world (known as “wild case”) scenarios have consistently been rated by the globally respected, independent National Institute for Science and Technology (NIST) in the USA as number 2 or 3 in the world; year after year, after year.
Vix’s FRT works on a “faceprint” consisting of metadata (sequences of 0s and 1s that allow a computer to match a face to the characteristics, but which are totally meaningless to an individual and useless to anyone trying to reconstruct an image – even using a computer). Basically, that is a thousand measurements of a person’ face, which do not change over time.
Vix’s FRT has the capacity to scan a hundred faces in a millisecond. What’s more, those excluded from a venue may try to disguise themselves in order to obtain entry. They might obscure their face or change the colours of the features to hide their identity. That can fool a guard, but not FRT…
So in a situation where you have the metadata of a person of interest, perhaps someone with a history of violence towards staff, the Vix system will instantly alert security staff to the fact that a person matching this metadata has entered the store. The individual retailer can then action whatever response, upon reviewing the alert, that it deems appropriate. But our work is not just about stopping the bad guys…
Vix also has technology for finding a missing child in a shopping mall. The parent sends a text to the mall’s CCTV monitoring with a picture of the child. In seconds, the FRT can sweep all of the real time images as well as the recorded data from the last 20 minutes, and track and find the juvenile.
And it is not just young kids. Anyone who has experienced the effects of dementia will appreciate what a horrible disease it can be. People become a danger to themselves simply because they forget where they are or where they are going. As a result, able bodied dementia sufferers lose their personal freedom, because they become dangers to themselves.
Using FRT we have managed to set parameters within which dementia sufferers can enjoy personal freedom, but if they wander beyond certain parameters of a building or care home then FRT will be used to alert the carers so that they can recover the situation.
In terms of personal freedom, we have also been involved with government initiatives to prevent people from addictive personalities gambling or drinking. The self-exclusion initiatives mean that people who know they have a problem in the face of temptation can register themselves to be excluded from certain parts of a leisure complex. Those areas are usually bars or betting offices. In effect that allows them to enjoy the freedom to meet at these complexes with friends, knowing that should they give in to temptation FRT will alert the venue and support will be provided.
With Australia and New Zealand being keen sporting nations, sport security has been in the headlines more than ever. In Australia we have been involved in the introduction of facial recognition technology (“FRT”) in a number of big stadiums. We help them defeat everything from international terror groups and regional ORC and crime syndicates, down to a handful of thugs looking for trouble or a small group of protestors looking to interrupt proceedings. Even individuals, banned from the games for some reason, pose a threat to fans just looking to have a good time.
Our experience has been that as a surveillance technology, FRT is a useful tool for spotting the bad guys. However, it can also be a very positive influence on making good people’s lives better too. Vix systems can also be used to help people enjoy better quality of life, enjoy frictionless customer experiences and to mitigate the threats to their wellbeing just found in everyday life.
Vix Vizion is also focused on ensuring its technology is implemented responsibly in line with relevant privacy and security legislation and guidelines.
And it is the high quality of the technology, coupled with the expanding number of positive use cases together with “helping to stop the bad guys” that we think makes it deserving of recognition.


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